The great respite! The amazing creativity of the human spirit and all of the artists that came together to play and perform this piece. This post is like water in the desert. Although I will say that it brings up a lot of grief, for a simpler time a more innocent time, At least it seems that way at the time. 
Our usa citizens need to learn medicine and politics should always be separate. We also need to learn our federal health agencies had a financial conflict of interest and should never been given the privilege of telling us to mask up take your untested shots close schools or give any advise that was made into a law. Doctors need to organize enough to reign over their own patients , not be threatened with loss of practice and license if they didn’t obey
Sitting at blackjack table in immokalee fl. Sign at blackjack table offering near $350k to whoever gets a hand of 3 7’s suited . No extra ante to be included. Using 6 decks
The great respite! The amazing creativity of the human spirit and all of the artists that came together to play and perform this piece. This post is like water in the desert. Although I will say that it brings up a lot of grief, for a simpler time a more innocent time, At least it seems that way at the time. 
Beautiful sentiment on your part, Karey.
Our usa citizens need to learn medicine and politics should always be separate. We also need to learn our federal health agencies had a financial conflict of interest and should never been given the privilege of telling us to mask up take your untested shots close schools or give any advise that was made into a law. Doctors need to organize enough to reign over their own patients , not be threatened with loss of practice and license if they didn’t obey
Off topic but your area. What are the odds of being dealt 3same suite 7’s from a 6 deck shoe in blackjack
Easy to figure out. Do you mean as the first three cards dealt (so I can't subtract from the 6 x 52 cards we are starting with?
Sitting at blackjack table in immokalee fl. Sign at blackjack table offering near $350k to whoever gets a hand of 3 7’s suited . No extra ante to be included. Using 6 decks
Must all be dealt to same player
Obviously could be dealt to the dealer I think that is only added factor. No money if dealer were to get the hand
sounds fun, Emily!
Sometime it’s the best way to rid mental cobwebs